Greatest Fear

There are many things in this world that could frighten us. There are people who are afraid of animals such as snakes, spiders, dogs and many more. Nevertheless, I notice that people are usually afraid to die.

My greatest fear is to die sadistically. I am okay with if were to die naturally. However, to die slowly and painfully is another thing. I am very afraid that a psycho killer will kidnap me. He could bring me to a secluded area. He would then start preparing his paraphernalia to use in killing me. He might use a hammer to smash my head. He could also use a knife in stabbing me a thousand times. He could use an axe in chopping my body into pieces. He could also spray acid all over until I die. He could also kill me by throwing me into an aquarium full of piranhas. If this is the situation, I might die of drowning while suffering from the bites of the piranhas since I do not know how to swim. Anyways, these are just thoughts that enter into my mind whenever I am walking alone in the dark.

These thoughts just only pass by. The best thing to do whenever you think of these is to think of happy thoughts. However sometimes, some of these thoughts would linger until the next morning.


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