First Creation

If I were given the chance to decide on what would've been created first, I would've done the same. God is the Supreme Creator of the universe. He made all things amazingly. In the beginning, He created the heavens and earth. He then made light, and separated it from darkness. Thus, there is day and night. On the following days, He made the sky, ocean, land, plants, seasons, days, years, and all kinds of living creatures. These living creatures inhabited the land and waters. Everything that He made is splendid. Moreover, the order on how He made them is just right. Try to imagine if the human beings where created first, then they will have nothing to eat nor to live in. God is truly perfect.

I would have created the heavens and earth first. I would make a place where I could dwell in and a place for my other creations. Heaven will be my dwelling place and for the blessed spirits. The earth, on the other hand, is where I will create my other creations. Creations that would make the earth fascinating. For the earth is covered with darkness, I would create light. The light will govern more of the day than darkness. Then, I would create the sky, water and land. The sky and water will be blue. Then the land will be of color green, violet, and many more. The land will be filled with different plants, trees and flowers. The fragrances of these flowers will spread in the air. Then I would create various animals. Animals of different sizes will inhabit the land and waters. I would then create different seasons to make the earth more attractive. In each seasons, specific plants and animals will show their true beauty. After creating these, I would create something that is exceptional. Something that is from my image. I would create a man. This man will have dominion over my other creations. However, noticing that this man is lonely even he has everything that he needs, I would want to create something that will surely make him happy. I would create a partner for him, a woman. Both of them will rule over the earth. Moreover, for them to appreciate the earth more, they would have wings to fly across the sky. In this way, they will have a better view on the scenery of the earth. In addition, they would be able to breathe underwater, then they could explore more on the deeper area of the ocean. Lastly, I will instill in their genes eighty percent of goodness and love so that they will live in harmony. I will make sure that these human beings will enjoy living in the earth.

God's creations show how powerful He is. Moreover, to be created in His image and likeness is an honor. We are the only one given with creative power, intellect and free will among His creations. Furthermore, He has given us dominion over the earth. These privileges do not mean that we could do anything that we want. People often take things for granted. There are people who abuse the living creatures and nature as if they were the owners. We have to remember that we are expected to nurture Mother Nature. We should not destroy it. We should protect and respect God's creations.

(this was actually an assignment)


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