Something real about love...

Here are something about real love...char...but true
  • Real love does not happen all of a sudden. People may say that they fall in love at first sight, but this really meant that the person you saw corresponded to the ideal person you have been longing. The way this person acts, talks and the person's looks matches everything. This is just an attraction and not love.
  • Jealousy is not a sign of true love. This is one of the most common misconception that the more a person is jealous the stronger is the love. Some jealousy is normal but jealousy is really possessiveness and not love.
  • Love does not diminish when one is away from the loved one. When you love a person more when he is around, it may seem that your judgment is influenced by the excitement and charm of his presence. While he is not around, some doubts arises from the back of your brain. If this is the case, your love might be superficial


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