Dengue Cure:Tawa-Tawa

tawa-tawatawa tawatawa-tawatawa-tawa
Recently, the storm basyang was in the country. Almost everyday is a rainy day. And I've heard a lot of cases of dengue already. And most of the people mentioned about tawa-tawa being the cure. My cousin who had dengue, drink the water wherein the tawa-tawa was boiled in. And a few days of consecutive drinking, she was able to recover. And recently our neighbor was showing symptoms of dengue, so his mother used the tawa-tawa to prevent him from having dengue. 

Here are some photos of the plant. This plant is really amazing, this grows like a grass (im not sure if it's a grass) it grows anywhere. Hopefully this plant would be studied appropriately so that it will be officially known as the cure for dengue.


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