Live a Healthy Life

Live a healthy life by eating nutritious foods. You should eat at the right time. Fruits and vegetables are good for your body. The top ten most nutritious vegetables include broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, Lima beans, peas, asparagus, artichokes, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, and carrots.

Aside from eating well, get some exercise. Do some jogging every morning, this help burn calories. Also maintain a healthy weight. Then, do not smoke. Take care of your teeth. Furthermore, relax. Go out on a vacation.


Acne is the most common skin problem. The usual signs and symptoms of acne are persistent, recurring reddish blemishes on the face and possibly on the chest, shoulders, neck, upper back, or buttocks. It also includes spots that have a dark, open center, spots that bulge under the skin and have no opening, whiteheads that rupture and boil-like lumps.

Acne seems to be linked to an excess of an oily substance that lubricates the skin. This substance is called sebum. What you can do now is wash the affected area twice a day with mild, oil- and fragrance-free soap. Do not overwash it, because it may worsen your condition. You should shampoo your hair regularly so that it would not aggravate the acne. And most of all do not pop, pick, scratch, or squeeze your pimples for it might lead to scarring.


Do you have a phobia? I guess everyone has one. Phobia is a  morbid, compulsive, and persistent fear of any specified type of object, stimulus, or situation. Any strong aversion or dislike.

In the following list each entry denotes a morbid fear or dislike of the thing or situation indicated by the translation of the first part of the word:

acrophobia - fear of heights
agoraphobia - fear of open spaces
ailurophobia - fear of cats 
algophobia - fear of pain
androphobia - fear of men
astraphobia - fear of thunder and lightning
autophobia - fear of being alone
bathophobia - fear of depth
claustrophobia - fear of closed space
cynophobia - fear of  dogs(rabies)
demophobia - fear of crowds
dromophobia - fear of crossing streets
genophobia - fear of sex
gynophobia - fear of man
haptephobia - fear of being touched
hemophobia - fear of blood
hydrophobia - fear of water
hypnophobia - fear of falling asleep
musophobia - fear of mice
mysophobia - fear of contamination
neophobia - fear of the new
nyctophobia - fear of night or darkness
ophidiophobia - fear of snakes
photophobia - fear of light
sitophobia - fear of eating or food
taphephobia - fear of being buried alive
thanatophobia - fear of death
toxicophobia - fear of poison
xenophobia - fear of strangers or foreigners
zoophobia - fear of animals

There are still more, this is just some examples.


 What is analogy?

 Analogy is used from the Greek word analogia - ama, according to, and logos ration, proportion. It means an agreement or likeness between things in some circumstances or effects, when the things are otherwise entirely different.

In logic it is a form of reasoning in which similarities are inferred from a similarity of two or more things in certain particulars. In mathematics, it is proportion or ratio. In grammar, it is the process whereby words and grammatical forms are built upon the model of others. In biology, it is known as analogue which means an organ of another animal or plant, but that is different in structure and organ.

Analogy as a subject, does not only measure the extent of one's knowledge on general information, but likewise gauges his power of analysis.